The Dinosaur Detectives By Stephanie Baudet Illustrated by Illary Casasanta Introducing the captivating Dinosaurs Detectives collection, a treasure trove of excitement and knowledge that will ignite the imaginations of young explorers everywhere. This incredible collection transports readers to fascinating worlds, such as The Amazon Rainforest and The Frozen Desert, where they embark on thrilling adventures alongside their favorite prehistoric creatures. Through beautifully illustrated pages and engaging storytelling, children will uncover the mysteries of the past, while gaining a deeper understanding of the natural world. With each turn of the page, the Dinosaurs Detectives collection sparks curiosity, encourages a love for learning, and leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next thrilling installment. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through time with these enthralling tales! Licensor – Sweet Cherry PublishingNumber of Volumes – 6Target Audience – Boys & Girls 7+ yearsProduction Year – 2020Languages Available – English Titles Include: The Dinosaur Detectives in The Amazon Rainforest The Dinosaur Detectives in The Scuttlebutt The Dinosaur Detectives in The Frozen Desert The Dinosaur Detectives in The Rainbow Serpent The Dinosaur Detectives in The Jurassic Coast The Dinosaur Detectives in Dracula, Dragons and Dinosaurs scp-dinosaur-detectives-book