Shane The Chef

Each episode follows Shane, an ambitious, energetic chef and his daughter Izzy, who together run a restaurant in the town of Munchington.

Shanes firm belief is that when it comes to food, fresh is best!” And because hes a chef, food is at the heart of every story.

Much of his food is sourced locally: fresh vegetables are grown on Maggies farm, world foods are imported through Mama Polentas Deli; and fish is caught by Sam Spratt, fresh from the sea.

For Shane, everyday is a new adventure and each episode focuses on his high-energy exploits and passion for food.

With childhood obesity on the rise, this series encourages children to learn about food and where it comes from in a fun way, make healthier choices and develop an interest in and a love of cooking.

Originally commissioned by and broadcast on the UK’s Channel 5’s popular -re-school block , Milkshake!

The series was produced with the support of the British Dieticians Association.

Producer – Hoho Entertainment
Duration – 52 x 11 minute episodes
Target Audience – Boys and girls 3-8 years
Format – H.264 – MP4
Production Year – 2018- 2020
Languages Available – English and Spanish

Watch the Trailer here –

Full episodes can be viewed at the links below –

Salad from Outerspace

Missing Mum

Izzys Marvellous Marrow