Sir Linkalot
Sir Linkalot is a catalogue of 400+ fun animated videos and quizzes that give children from 4 – 14 years a powerful, yet underused technique, ‘Linking’ (the use of mnemonics), to commit to memory the spelling of those tricky non-phonetic, patternless words, all the way from was, two and then up to manoeuvre, onomatopoeia and even diarrhoea!
Developed by Andy Salmon (aka Sir Linkalot), who has over ten years experience, teaching 1000s of children in classrooms worldwide, the videos work for English as a first and as a second language. The Sir Linkalot team also includes Susie Dent from the UK’s top ‘word quiz’ programme ‘Countdown’ who appears in the etymology animations as ‘Susie Lexicographer’ (e.g Biscuit – Etymology),
Endorsed by educators (including many dyslexia specialists) and parents, Sir Linkalot videos delivers amazing results. There is overwhelming evidence that visual learning, i.e taking the words off the paper, is the most effective way to learn and these animations, along with quirky music and his slightly off-the-wall voiceovers, are getting people’s attention.
Producer – Thinkalink Digital Ltd
Duration – 440+ x < 1 minute spelling videos and 20 x <1 Times Tables videos
Target Audience – Boys and girls 4-14 years
Format – H.264 – MP4
Production Year – 2019 – Ongoing
Languages Available – English
Sir L News UK The Sun Sept 24