Classic Fairy Tale Adaptations
“Classic Fairy Tale Adaptations” is an enchanting animated series that breathes new life into beloved fairy tales, captivating audiences of all ages.
Embark on thrilling adventures in each episode as we explore well-known classics such as Rapunzel, Snow White, The Snow Queen, Three Little Pigs, Hansel & Gretel, Cinderella, and Princess Rapunzel. Through vibrant animation and endearing characters, the series offers a fresh and exhilarating take on these timeless tales, incorporating unexpected twists and turns.
With its kaleidoscope of colours and charismatic personalities, “Classic Fairy Tale Adaptations” effortlessly captures the imaginations of young viewers, leaving them filled with awe and anticipation. The show encourages children to think creatively, inviting them to delve deeper into the stories they cherish, fostering a sense of wonder and limitless possibilities.
Experience the joy and excitement of “Classic Fairy Tal Adaptations,” a heart-warming and entertaining series that ignites the imagination. Its positive message, captivating storytelling, and delightful characters make it an absolute must-watch for any young adventurer with a love for fairy tales and a thirst for thrilling escapades.
Producer – Kondo-San
Duration – 8-15 Minutes x 110
Target Audience – 2 -5 years
Format – H.264 – MP4
Production Year – 2020 – Ongoing
Languages Available – English, Turkish, German, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese.